MEDIKOL grupa d.o.o. i austrijska kompanija VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH (Vamed) potpisali su danas Memorandum o razumijevanju i strateškom partnerstvu u realizaciji projekta Specijalne onkološke bolnice – Medicinski centar Medikol (MCM) koji će doprinijeti boljoj dostupnosti najkvalitetnije zdravstvene usluge u liječenju karcinoma za sve hrvatske građane, s ciljem povećanja kvalitete života i smanjenja stope mortaliteta koja je u Hrvatskoj veća od prosjeka Europske unije.

Današnjem potpisivanju Memoranduma o razumijevanju u realizaciji ovog velikog projekta prethodila je trogodišnja poslovna suradnja na njegovoj pripremi. Odlukom Vlade RH od 15. lipnja 2023. Specijalna onkološka bolnica – MCM proglašena je Strateškim investicijskim projektom.


Medikol group ltd. (Medikol) and the Austrian company VAMED Standortenwicklung und Engineering GmbH (Vamed) have signed a Memorandum today, regarding the understanding and the strategic partnership in the realisation of the Special oncological hospital – Medical Centre Medikol (MCM).

This project will improve the accessibility of the high-quality medical services in cancer treatments for all of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia, with a goal of incresing the quality of life and decreasing the mortality rate which is higher in Croatia when compared to the European Union average.

Todays signing of the Memorandum regarding the understanding of the realisation of this large project was preceded by a three year long cooperation on its preparation.
On the 15th of June 2023., the Government of the Republic of Croatia had made a decision to declare the Special oncological hospital – MCM a strategic investment project.